Andreas Schneider
Principal Software Engineer and Photographer


I'm a Free Software Developer working as a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat on Samba and MIT Kerberos.

I'm a member of the international Samba Core Team. In my spare time and partly in my worktime I also work on libssh, a library implementing the SSH/SFTP protocol. I'm the maintainer of the lightweight unit testing framework for C with mock support named cmocka. I develop and maintain the cwrap project, a set to of tools for client and server testing. I've also developed the two-way file synchronizer csync. It is used by nextcloud/ownCloud as the desktop client sync engine.

I love

Photography · Mountains · Cycling · Nature · Climbing · Coffee · Hacking · Beer


  • Samba - Samba Team member and core developer and researcher
  • cmocka - Maintainer and core developer
  • cwrap - Maintainer and core developer
  • libssh - Maintainer and core developer
  • KDE - Maintainer of kio_sftp
  • LineageOS - Maintainer for Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact
  • csync - Maintainer and developer